tap - Painless Tabular Datamangement for Python

This module defines the table class that provides convenient functionality to work with tabular data. It features functions to calculate statistical moments, e.g. mean, standard deviations as well as functionality to plot the data using matplotlib.


The tap API at a glance

Adding/Removing/Reordering data  
add_row() add a row to the table
add_col() add a column to the table
remove_col() remove a column from the table
rename_col() rename a column
extend() append a table to the end of another table
merge() merge two tables together
sort() sort table by column
filter() filter table by values
zip() extract multiple columns at once
zip_non_null() extract multiple columns at once, ignoring none
search_col_names() search for matching column names
empty() check whether table/column is empty
get_unique() get unique values of a column
has_col() check for existence of column
save() save a table to a file
load() load a table from a file
to_string() convert a table to a string for printing
Simple Math  
min() compute the minimum of a column
max() compute the maximum of a column
sum() compute the sum of a column
mean() compute the mean of a column
row_mean() compute the mean for each row
median() compute the median of a column
std_dev() compute the standard deviation of a column
count() compute the number of items in a column
More Sophisticated Math  
correl() compute Pearson’s correlation coefficient
spearman_correl() compute Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient
compute_mcc() compute Matthew’s correlation coefficient
compute_roc() compute receiver operating characteristics (ROC)
compute_enrichment() compute enrichment
optimal_prefactors() compute optimal coefficients for linear combination of columns
stats() get various statistics on a column
paired_t_test() perform paired t-test on two columns
plot() Plot data in 1, 2 or 3 dimensions
plot_histogram() Plot data as histogram
plot_roc() Plot receiver operating characteristics (ROC)
plot_enrichment() Plot enrichment
plot_hexbin() Hexagonal density plot
plot_bar() Bar plot

Indices and tables

Project Versions

Table Of Contents

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Handling of Tabular Data

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